When the average person hears the words “deferred maintenance” those words mean, time, money, and possible frustration. So, what exactly are we talking about? When a homeowner puts off repairs that are either necessary maintenance, repairs and upgrades or replacements to maintain the integrity of the home.
Why should I care about Deferred Maintenance?
If you’re selling or buying often an appraisal is done on the property. Appraisers must assess the degree of deferred maintenance experienced by a property each time an appraisal is performed. When routine maintenance items are neglected, the value of your home is likely going to decline, and you will see less of a return on your investment or derail the sale.
How can I avoid Deferred Maintenance?
When regular maintenance is deferred it will eventually become problematic. What household chores am I talking about? Walk around the exterior and interior of your home, does it need a fresh coat of paint? Replace torn carpeting. And get that dishwasher and microwave oven repaired. It’s not sexy but have your HVAC systems professionally serviced. Inspect the gutter and roof. If your gutters are leaking water during the PNW rain months there’s a problem. They might be full of debris or broken in certain spots. Lastly, take care of holes from damaged siding or fascia under the roofline—and do it promptly.